Aerilaya is one of the three main characters in The Legend of Bolyra. She's a Snow Elf Thief, former princess of the Snow Elves, and perfume seller.
She originally hails from the Taiga Mountains, a harsh environment where snowstorms occur often and have to worry about the beasts that live there. Most other races avoid this area due to the storms and beasts called Phinitors (a yeti/wendigo hybrid with illusion magic). This is part of the reason why Aerilaya's ancestors, the Moon Elves, chose this location. They wanted a place where they could live in relative peace and not have to worry about the villain coming after them.
The story starts with her in the alleyway of where the Thieves' Guild is in Stoneguard, a small town that is near the Forest Elves' Glade. She and her fellow thieves raided a building (turns out to be a temple) on the edge of town; when there, they came across relics and items from the days of old that haven't been seen in centuries. Item is called the Forest Elves' Race Stone, a sacred crystal orb with mysterious powers.
Due to finding this sacred item, it created a domino effect on the story's events. From reuniting with loved ones to finding out that the seal on the villain is weakening and her country once peaceful days are being threatened once more.
The concept of this character came to me when I was playing Skyrim and using a Snow Elf Mod and The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds when interaction with a character called Thief Girl. Originally, Aerilaya was a half-human/half-elf named Sylvia, who had the aspirations of becoming a healer to help others. This is where the current character has a helpful nature, but there's a drawback to this. She can't use magic like she's supposed to.
The magic system acts as it would in a video game, use it, and you have to wait a certain amount of time to be able to use it again. But there are differences between a video game and the story.
Most magic base users have different cooldown/recovery times and it all differs with what type of magic they're using. When people use it during the day for a job, they normally take breaks after 4 hours to ensure they're not crashing on the job.
With Aerilaya, however, she can't use magic for more than 15-30 minutes without ending up in some serious trouble with her body and the lack thereof healing/recovery being trashed. The reason for this is because she has a curse mark on her body, that she doesn't even know of. Due to this mark, it has caused her to become drained faster and have slower recovery times each time she uses magic. This has also affected her mind mentally somewhat as she second-guesses herself when in the heat of things and needs to make a decision fast if she has to use magic or not.
The only magic that doesn't drain her as fast as offensive or defensive magic, is light magic. The reason for this is that light magic has a low cost and won't affect users as quickly unless they are a healer, who has to use it daily. They're the only exception to the rule, however.
Aerilaya in the story is currently traveling with her childhood friend, Alosrin, a Shadow Elf, and fellow thief, Kailu, an elf of mysterious origins. As they travel they find out more about themselves, each other, their country, and ways to assist others in their time of need.