Tovldir - God of the Night and Dreams, creator of the stars and planets with his wife, Oelia Goddess of Sun, he's also the father of the Goddess of Shadows Umbra, and the God of Light, Dinir. He's also the owner of Onyx, the Alatum Noctis Somnium, or known by others as the winged wolf of dreams. He is currently traveling with the trio as a ride companion. Tovldir does make an appearance in a few chapters as he turns the day to night and assists Aerilaya through her night terrors along with Onyx. He's worshipped by the elves and the dwarves primarily. He'll occasionally assist humans or other races who pay tribute to him.
The inspiration that came in creating this god comes from multiple sources; mainly from Greek Mythology and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
The Greek God and Goddesses:
Morpheus the Greek God of Dreams, Selene, the Titaness Goddess, and personification of the moon Nyx, the Primordial Goddess, and personification of Night
My Little Pony:
Princess Luna from MLP was another inspiration as she is the princess of the night, who raises the moon, and visits ponies who require her help with their dreams.