The waters at Lunenvern #Lake where calm and still as the twin moons rose into the night sky. Excluding the guards and Lyrae, everyone had gone to bed. She stood in front of the water's edge in attempts to clear her mind as the nearby Blue Glow Flowers bloomed.
"I figured you would be out here." Nura said when she approached as the other turned swiftly to face her. The blind woman's staff beside the Blue Glow Flowers and the Twin Moons' light where one of the few things glowing brightly as she stopped in front of her.
A light autumn breeze blew past as silence fell between them. "Why don't we go for a walk, Kedvesem? it seems like we both could use it this night." Nura offered with a smile as Lyrae gave her a nod in agreement.
"What's on your mind this night, Mpendwa? Usually you're never like this." Lyrae questioned as they walk alongside the lake while hearing the rushing water of the nearby falls.
"Oh, I'm becoming like my Anya." Nura said with a laugh. "In all seriousness, I needed some time away from the palace for a moment." She continued as Lyrae gave her a nod.
"I can only imagine. I'd be the same way if everyone I loved and cared about where hurt or missing." The black human woman quickly cursed herself out as soon as the words came out. She knew this was very thing the white gold opaque wanted to get away from for a moment. "I'm sorry, Mpendwa..." Lyrae quickly followed up as Nura shook her head.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, love. It's an unavoidable subject, unfortunately." Nura let out a tired sigh as she stopped and leaned against her staff with sadness in her eyes.
Lyrae frowned as she wrapped her lover into a hug. "I'm here, Mpendwa." She whispered as the other woman broke down.
Word Legend:
Anya - Mother in Hungarian
Mpendwa - Dearest or Dear one in Swahili
Kedvesem - Darling in Hungarian