"Today's the day. I hope she likes it," Hiraku, the Silver White Kitsune Tenno, mumbled to herself while putting the finishing touches on the gift she was working on in secret. As Hiraku knew whoever within the palace walls came across it, would have destroyed it, and found out her sneaking about to the Tengtong Mountains, which was enemy territory according to her father. She rolled her ice blue eyes at the constant lectures and rants she had heard for the last year and a half.
Hiraku let out a frustrated sigh as she glanced at the nearby crystal powered clock on the wall of their bedroom. "I'm late!" She exclaimed before stuffing the aubergine pearl necklace into the sleeves of her black with white trim silk kimono and bolting out the door. "Going for a walk, Otoosan!" She shouted when passing by the throne room and overhearing his parents light chatter with their older sister and brother, which turned into confused murmurs and stares when the palace doors slammed shut behind them. "I wonder where he goes at this time each day..." The black kitsune brother questioned as his sister nodded in agreement.
Once she was near her and Sairi's meeting place, Hiraku took in a deep, relived breath when noticing she was there first. As Hiraku sat down on the flat stone by the small pond, concern came across her mind as she knew Sairi was usually the first to show up. "I hope she's alright... Even I'll admit she has been acting odd as of recent." She thought out loud as some birds called out to one another.
"Hey, sorry for being late..." Sairi, a young teen with iridescent glowing skin and purple eyes, wearing a blood red silk kimono said before bowing in an apologetic manner. "You're fine, Neesan." Hiraku said with a smile as they pulled out the Aubergine Pearl Necklace. "I made this for you as a friendship anniversary gift." She continued with a grin on her face as Sairi smiled warmly while taking the jewelry with the upmost care. "May I help you on putting that on?" Hiraku offered as Sairi gave her a nod before the kitsune walked over to her and latched the necklace around her neck. When doing so, Hiraku noticed a bloody bandages trailing across her friend's neck.